Source code for segmentation.geostas

Bio3D is an R package that encapsulates different tools for biological
structure analysis. The GeoStaS domain finder tries to locate rigid domains
based on trajectory movements. The generated files come from a custom script
written in R, so their format is controlled by our workflow rather than by the
external project itself.

Documentation can be found at:

import json
from pathlib import Path
from import Iterator
from typing import Tuple

from lib.trajectory import Trajectory
from . import SegmentationParser

[docs] class Parser(SegmentationParser): def __init__(self, pdb_path, clustering_directory_path): super().__init__(pdb_path, clustering_directory_path)
[docs] def parse(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, str]]: pdb_path, clustering_directory_path = self.paths trajectory = Trajectory.from_paths(pdb_path) atom_data = trajectory.select_atoms('name = CA') for file in sorted(Path(clustering_directory_path).glob('clustering_kmeans_*.json')): atom_groups = json.loads(Path(file).read_text()) residue_groups = self._translate_atoms_to_residues(atom_data, atom_groups) chopping = self._generate_chopping(residue_groups) method = "GeoStaS K-means" yield (method, len(residue_groups), chopping) for file in sorted(Path(clustering_directory_path).glob('clustering_hier_*.json')): atom_groups = json.loads(Path(file).read_text()) residue_groups = self._translate_atoms_to_residues(atom_data, atom_groups) chopping = self._generate_chopping(residue_groups) method = "GeoStaS Hierarchical" yield (method, len(residue_groups), chopping)
[docs] def _translate_atoms_to_residues(self, atom_data, atom_groups): """ The output of GeoStaS is (alpha carbon) atom indices (1-indexed) while the output of the parser is in residues. This method translates the sequential atom indices into the residues they correspond to by using an MDAnalysis universe. """ return [ [ atom_data[atom_index - 1].resnum for atom_index in atom_indices ] for atom_indices in atom_groups ]
[docs] def _generate_chopping(self, residue_groups): """ Input: ``[[1, 2, 3], [10, 11, 20, 21], ...]`` Output: ``1-3,10-11_20,21,...`` """ # Structure: { group: [(start, end), (start, end), ...] } groupings = {} for i, residues in enumerate(residue_groups): group = i + 1 for new_residue in residues: if group not in groupings: groupings[group] = [(new_residue, new_residue)] continue last_pair = groupings[group][-1] start_residue, end_residue = last_pair if new_residue - end_residue == 1: # this is the next one, just extend the range: groupings[group][-1] = (start_residue, new_residue) else: groupings[group].append((new_residue, new_residue)) group_descriptions = [] for i in range(1, len(groupings.keys()) + 1): range_description = [f"{start}-{end}" for start, end in groupings[i]] group_descriptions.append('_'.join(range_description)) return ','.join(group_descriptions)